Variational Method#
Variational method provides a powerful tool tool to (a) Make systematic approximations and quantiatively measure convergence of predictions towards true values.
In variational method one first makes an “educated” guess by picking trial functions for the hamiltonian. One then minimizes parameters of the trial function to get solutions closer to the truth.
Variational method, when applied to linear combination of trial functions can turn hard QM problem into an easier linear algebra task: solution of systems of linear equations. Instead of solving differentiation equations for eignefunctions/eigenvalues we instead are solving for matrix eigevnalues and eigenvectors.
Variational theorem#
Any trial function \(\mid \phi \rangle\) we come up with the energy computed with it will always be greater or equal to exact or true energy.
Ground state energy is the lowest possible energy for the system.
By minimizing the energy functions we can make most accurate prediction for a given trail function.
More parameters give us more handles to vary and get more acurate solutions.
Example: H-atom trial function#
Exact solution for ground state: \(\psi(r)=\frac{1}{(\pi a^3_0)^{1/2}}e^{-r/a_0}\) and \(E_1 = -0.5 h\)
Let’s test a trail function \(\phi=e^{-\alpha r^2}\) and predict energy:
Minimization gives the best values of paramaters in trial functions#
We need to plug this parameters back into energy function to get the energy minimized with respect to \(\alpha\), e.g \(E(\alpha_{min})\)
Comparison of optimized vs true values#
About 15% error. But hey it is not too bad for a start!
Adding more parameters and functions will reduce the error.